Cycling route between Scheldt and Zeeland

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Cycling route between Scheldt and Zeeland

127,5 km
93% Verhard

Beekdam 2, 9150 Kruibeke

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Cycling route between Scheldt and Zeeland

A long trip through the eastern part of the Waasland region – perfect for a two-day bike ride. Start at the Scheldt in Basel, then set course for Zeeland. Along the way, you'll pass by some nature spots like the Polders of Kruibeke, the Drowned Land of Saeftinghe and the Creeks of Saleghem, as well as Sint-Niklaas, Hulst, Doel and Beveren.

Starting point

Wissekerke Castle


This moated castle, perched in the 10th century, was a crucial part of the line of defense on the Scheldt River. The castle itself is a neo-Gothic gem, with early Empire elements integrated. You can also visit it, after years of renovation, inside with an audio guide. Absolutely recommended!

the Polders of Kruibeke

Polders van Kruibeke.jpg

The Polders of Kruibeke are the largest floodplain in Flanders, but fortunately the area is not under water for most of the year. Then, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of the vast area of nature, which is an alternation of mudflats, salt marshes, grasslands and alder carr thickets. Several meadow and water birds have their nesting grounds here, and you might even spot a roe, beaver or otter!

Node 45-36

Grote markt Sint-Niklaas


Sint-Niklaas is the capital of the Waasland region and the largest city in the region. The city is best known to little ones as the home of St Nicholas when he is in this country, as well as for the largest market in the country. Here, you will find the beautiful neo-Gothic town hall from the 19th century, where events are often held. In early September, dozens of hot air balloons are launched here during the Vredesfeesten ('Peace Festivities'): a must-see! You can also take a break at one of the many restaurants and cafés here.

Node 74-75-53

The Creeks of Saleghem

Kreken van Saleghem.jpg

During the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648) against Spain, this area was flooded in defence of Antwerp. When the dykes were repaired, some deep gullies were left behind in the landscape that today form an interesting area of nature consisting of marshes, ponds, reed beds, pollard willows, meadows and flowery dykes.  

Node 49



This Dutch fortified city profiles itself as 'the most Flemish city' in the Netherlands. Its Burgundian lifestyle and location near the border make it a popular city with Belgian tourists. The centre is protected as a city landmark and almost the entire 16th-century city walls with canals have been preserved. 

Node 62-17

Grenspark groot Saeftinghe


This gigantic area of nature runs across national borders from Hulst to the port of Antwerp. Here you will find, among other things, the Drowned Land of Saeftinghe, a large salt marsh area that functions as a floodplain for the Scheldt. On the border of Belgium and the Netherlands, you will find the Prosperpolder, a large plain that was transformed into an area of nature to compensate for the expansion of the port of Antwerp. Located centrally in the polder is the cosy hamlet of Prosperdorp, where you can pause in the shadow of the church at Café Den Angeluus

Node 13-17



In the 1960s, Doel became famous because the village was to disappear in favour of the expansion of the port of Antwerp. Slowly but surely, the village emptied and today, almost all the houses are deserted except for a handful – as well as a café. The unique atmosphere in this village attracts a great many visitors and curious people. 

Node 17-15-11

Waasland port

Fort Liefkenshoek

In the 1980s, the port of Antwerp expanded on the territory of East Flanders. On this cycling route, you ride right through the Waasland port area along a wide, recently constructed cycle path. You'll pass by the Kieldrecht lock – the largest lock in the world! – and Fort Liefkenshoek, built in 1579 and today transformed into an experience centre. At brasserie Fort Liefkenshoek, you can enjoy a drink or meal in this unique setting.

Get on DeWaterbus here and bring your bike along. Enjoy a short trip across the Scheldt to continue your trip from the next stop.

Node 6-7



At Beveren's Grote Markt, you can stop off at some cosy terraces, such as Café Plato.

Node 4-9

Hof Ter Saksen

Hof ter Saksen.jpg

Hof Ter Saksen is a public natural park that used to be the estate of castle lords. At its centre is the 1804 neo-classical castle, and you'll also find an orangery, an old farmhouse and ice cream cellars in the park. 

The Polders of Kruibeke